February 9th 2013
Present at meeting: Rick Walker, Dicksie Walker, Warren Lyon, Steve Lowe, Bob Pryor, and Lynn Easley
Call to Order by Rick Walker.
Present Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were presented and approved. Motion to accept by Warren Lyon, seconded by Steve Lowe.
Financial Report:
Receipts for the year are 450.00 for all current year dues.
Zero disbursements for the 2013 year
Cash balance of 18,414.23, includes 14,312.50 in a capital reserve fund.
Motion by Warren Lyon to accept the financial report. Second by Bob Pryor. Approved.
Old Business
Marina Updates:
Due to lake restrictions on size of a boathouse/deck, a walkway would have to split the two sides of the deck, but that shouldn't cause any problems. The subject of extending of having pilings extend up several feet to provide tie off points for the boats was brought up. The water level around the docks were sounded again, and they all were in excess of 7 feet. Also discussed with the Lake Palestine Marina was increased security for the cars provided by a gate, the amount of room for the parking of cars. And the possibility of crane at the docks for lifting masts and other heavy objects off of boats.Final approval is expected when the lake authority board meets on the third Thursday of February. Lake Palestine Marina expects the marina extension could be completed by the end of March. Emerald Bay Marina as agreed to provide a month by month extension if the other marina construction isn't complete.
Rick Walker is awaiting a response from Emerald Bay Marina on his latest proposal on Emerald Bay Marina assets.
New Business
Dues :
Rick Walker brought up the proposal to suspend the collection of the capital improvements fund, there by allowing a drop in the yearly dues. Steve Lowe presented the proposal to suspend the collection of the capital improvements, (Amendment 1) and if that passes, reduce the yearly dues to two hundred a year. Warren Lyon seconded the proposal. The proposal would be submitted to the current membership via email by the Secretary.
Social Calendar:
Dicksie Walker presented possible dates for social and on the water events. The following days were agreed upon by the directors.
Saturday - 3/9/13, Saturday - 5/11/13, Thursday - 7/4/13, Saturday – 9/14/13, Saturday – 11/9/13, Saturday - 12/14/13
Saturday - 4/20/13, Saturday - 5/18/13, Saturday - 10/12/13,
Saturday - 11/16/13
Every 3RD Friday night of the month – informal social at Coyote Sams. Bob Pryor will handle the emails.
Motion by Warren Lyon. Seconded by Steve Lowe to adjourn. Approved.