March 17th 2012
Present at meeting: Rick Walker, Warren Lyon, Steve Lowe, John Owens, Lynn Easley, and Bob Pryor.
Call to Order by Rick Walker
Present Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were presented and accepted. Motion by Warren Lyon, second by Steve Lowe.
Financial Report:
Rick Walker presented the financial report. We currently have 9 members who have paid, with several more likely to pay. The club has a cash balance of $17,673.91, which includes $13150.00 in capital reserve.
Motion to accept by Warren Lyon. Seconded by John Owens.
New Business
Future of the Marina:
Rick Walker met with Barry McManus recently and stated the meeting went well. Rick feels like Barry is interested in the marina, and wants it to continue, but has been unable recently due to time constraints, and issues with the estate. It was also stated that Barry would be interested in either some type of partnership or possibility of a sale.
The board will meet again on March 31th, to discuss some proposals to present to Barry McManus.
The social for March 31th, has been scheduled for 6:30 pm, with the details of the meal to be decided later.
Motion by John Owens. Second by Warren Lyons to adjourn. Approved.