Ahoy Me Hearties!


KUDOS to all involved in looking after the boats @ Lake Palestine Marina during the flooded conditions.  Also, a big thank you to Jim Stevenson for continuing to do a great job with the race series event.  Participation has been really nice.


The LPYC directors had a great meeting last Saturday, & decided on some dates for upcoming social events.  Please mark your calendars, even though Dana & Sherry will be sending out details & reminders soon.

  • Saturday, June 6th:  Dock party @ Lake Palestine Marina hosted by the Springers, Adams, & Walkers (lake levels permitting, or bring your own rake)  Time TBA
  • Saturday, June 19th:  LPYC will host dinner @ Jakes on the square on the roof – time TBA
  • Friday July 4th:  Fireworks @ Emerald Bay Club bridge – we will raft up, cook, (LPYC will furnish dogs & burgers with all the trimmings),& watch a great show right in front of the old sailboat star – time TBA


It’s going to be a great summer.  If you are not a member of the LPYC, please join – it’s only $125 for the first year, & you get a cap & burgee!  Renewals are only $100 per year, & as you can see from the few events listed above, you will get a nice return on your investment toward the club’s future.


Boater Education:  Here are a few definitions all boaters should learn:

  1. Aboard - A piece of lumber that may be used to repair your boat.
  2. Astern - A type of look. Your spouse gives you astern look when you attempt to buy things for your boat.
  3. Compass – A navigational aid that accurately points to the largest metal object on your boat.
  4. Gunwale - ("gunnel") The part of a vessel near the side used for supporting one's midsection while one is engaged in the practice of heaving.
  5. Sailboat Race – Two or more sailboats headed in approximately the same direction.
  6. Through-the-hull fitting - A leak.



Commodore Rick

"There is nothing- absolutely nothing- half so much worth doing, as simply messing about in boats."

-Ratty said to Mole in Kenneth Grahame's beloved 1908 classic, The Wind in the Willows.